Hormone Health For Post Pregnancy And Breastfeeding


The demands on women’s bodies for growing, birthing and feeding a child are high and ever changing. Not only are we providing nutrition for two people at different points in the process; our bodies are also undergoing massive fluctuations in hormone levels as well.

So how do we replenish and maintain, not only vital nutrient levels but also keep our hormones balanced through our diets?

These days there is so much information out there – from health professionals to other mum’s experiences on Internet forums, each with their own opinion of what is happening and how to deal with it. It is understandable that it can be downright confusing to work out what is the right thing to choose in order to maintain balanced health and wellbeing during this period of change and growth in our lives. One of the easiest ways to balance hormones is through our diet; and by combining nutrition with the knowledge about how our hormones are processed, detoxified and eliminated by the body, we can build a strong foundation for supporting our health and our babies health as we move through motherhood and beyond. Continue reading “Hormone Health For Post Pregnancy And Breastfeeding”

Your Body During And After Pregnancy


During and post pregnancy, your body will experience rapid changes that will place increased stress on your muscles, ligaments and joints. Most women believe pain and discomfort go hand in hand during pregnancy and often believe they must wait until after the birth of their child to experience relief. However this doesn’t have to be the case, as Osteopathic care can help to manage or alleviate pregnancy related aches and pains. Continue reading “Your Body During And After Pregnancy”

Preconception Care


What is preconception care?

Preconception care is an opportunity to improve both you and your partners health required for promoting healthy sperm, egg health and uterine environment.  Think of pregnancy as like a marathon, we want to start training now and optimise our diet and lifestyle which can influence up to three generations to come!

Continue reading “Preconception Care”

Osteopathic Management During and After Pregnancy

The changes to the body during pregnancy are huge! Spinal curves are constantly changing, the pelvis widens, there is more pressure on the hip joints and the abdominal muscles are challenged. All of which are suddenly changed after delivery.  A significant amount of pain during and after pregnancy can be due to weak muscles within the pelvis and lower back, such as the pelvic floor, deep abdominals and deep spinal muscles. It is no surprise that pain can occur, such as:

  • Lower back pain
  • Sciatic nerve irritation
  • Hip pain
  • Headaches
  • Incontinence

Continue reading “Osteopathic Management During and After Pregnancy”

Preconception Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips

Addressing preconception health will have lifelong benefits for you and your child.

Factors that may affect fertility include:

  • Stress
  • Poor diet and nutrition
  • Toxicity
  • Pollution
  • Radiation
  • Increasing age
  • Immune system status
  • Drugs (including caffeine, tobacco and alcohol)
  • Previous contraceptive history
  • Genitourinary infections (eg Chlamydia, Mycoplasma)
  • Reproductive conditions (eg endometriosis, PCOS)

Fertility problems are due to male reproductive health about 40% and the female about 40% of the time, with both partners reproductive health implicated in the remaining cases. Continue reading “Preconception Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips”