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How to Treat a Sick Gut – A Case Study


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Wednesday 27th April – 6:30pm

How to treat a sick Gut – A Case Study

with Naturopath Sally Broadhurst


Discover how Natural Medicine can help improve your digestion and wellbeing.

Gut dysbiosis (a fancy word for imbalance) is becoming more and more commonplace in our fast paced world. Symptoms and the intensity of digestive imbalance can present differently in everyone depending on the level of damage and how long it’s been happening for.

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Do You Suffer From Joint Pain?

Joint pain is a common complaint that more and more people are experiencing. Typically though, with our busy lifestyles, we tend to ignore the signs that our body needs help. By the time we do notice the aches and pains coming from our joints, it has become a significant problem with other factors and areas of the body contributing and causing more pain and discomfort.

Don’t let your joint pain interfere with your life! Our Osteopath Emma takes us through the symptoms of joint pain, the causes and how Osteopathy can alleviate your pain today!Read More »Do You Suffer From Joint Pain?

Are you sick of being in pain?

Pain drags us down in many ways and prevents us from getting the most out of life.  There are many strategies available to find the source of your pain and address it but understanding it and knowing how it works is a great first step to relief.

There are many different types of pain, including:

  • Peripheral pain – inflammation or mechanical damage eg Torn muscle
  • Neuropathic – damage or entrapment of peripheral nerves eg Shingles
  • Central – central disturbance in pain processing eg Fibromyalgia


Are you taking the correct nutrient or herbs for your pain? Read More »Are you sick of being in pain?

Three Top Herbs to Combat Pain


Any type of pain is …a pain!

But we need to remember that pain is our body’s way of telling something isn’t right. By listening to our body and addressing the cause, we can create a plan to manage or combat or manage pain efficiently and effectively.

A Naturopathic approach to managing pain may include applying a combination of herbs, nutritional and lifestyle strategies to reduce inflammation and improve the strength, structure and function of the underlying tissues and systems of the body that are being affected. Not only do we need to take into account the physical factors involved, but also how the condition can affect emotionally and mentally; as well as how it affects our ability to move, work and play. One study on back pain followed 100 people over a course of four years. The study reported that participants who scored low on the psychological tests were three times more likely to experience back pain by the end of the four years.

There are 3 top herbal remedies I use for reducing pain in my patients….


Read More »Three Top Herbs to Combat Pain

Aches and pains. What do they mean and what are they telling us?


Most of us experience aches and pain throughout our body on a semi regular basis.

But what do they mean, and what are they telling us?

Generally they are signals warning us that there is some level of dysfunction.  The signals vary in feeling, area and intensity and should always be paid attention to.  By paying attention to the signals they are sending we are able to work towards finding the underlying cause and by addressing this, to help you find relief and avoid a recurrence.

There are 3 main types of pain that osteopathy can assist with …

Read More »Aches and pains. What do they mean and what are they telling us?

Start Fixing Fatigue With One Easy Step

Fatigue is a challenging symptom affecting more and more people in today’s world. These days it is rare that the cause of fatigue is easily pinpointed and corrected; with our fast paced lives, it often goes unnoticed until it is too late. By the time a lot of people realise they have a significant problem, the original cause of their lack of energy can be masked by a myriad of vague or prominent symptoms, which all differ in presentation and severity from person to person. So how do you find the cause of your fatigue and get the right type of help to return to health? One simple tool you can use that is with you all the time, and doesn’t cost a thing is, AWARENESS!

Read More »Start Fixing Fatigue With One Easy Step

Shoulder Pain Dragging You Down?

Shoulder pain is a frequent complaint that I see in my patients daily and something that everyone experiences at least once in their lives. The shoulder needs to be one of the most mobile joint’s in the body as it is used from the minute we wake in the morning to the time we fall asleep at night, as well as fairly frequently while we sleep! Therefore pain, tightness or loss of motion in the shoulder or in surrounding areas causes significant problems in a patient’s daily life.

Common shoulder problems arise from muscles, ligaments and tendons of the shoulder and surrounding area not performing as they should. Typically they cause numerous problems in patients being unable to perform daily activities such as reaching overhead. Many patients come to the clinic after months of ignoring their pain which results in a worsening of symptoms and a longer recovery time. It is always best with all new pains to seek treatment sooner rather than later so as to avoid potential chronic and debilitating injuries which take longer to resolve.Read More »Shoulder Pain Dragging You Down?

Achieving Work Life Balance


Seeking a balance between our work and personal lives is something that most of us strive for. It is also natural, at the beginning of a new year, to seek perspective, regroup and assess our thoughts and goals. In our daily routines we may have ambitions to climb the career ladder, be the best possible parent, achieve high grades, improve our health and fitness or to start a new business. These ambitions lead to never ending deadlines, rushing from one meeting to the next, planning what to have for dinner, do house hold chores, tend to the children and so on. Then we still need to get to bed at a decent time to ensure we are well rested to face another manic day.Read More »Achieving Work Life Balance

What Are Your Goals in 2016 for Work/Life Balance?


Work-life balance can mean different things to different people. It is all about balancing the time, energy and attention that you put into work, family and friends, health, nutrition, physical activity, relaxation, and mind (emotions, values, beliefs.) For most people, achieving an exact balance every day, day in, day out, is not possible. So rather than a perfect balance of time, it is realistic to aim for a division of your time that helps you feel the best version of yourself as often as possible.

Benefits of work-life balance include an increased sense of well-being, energy, happiness, better mental, physical and emotional health, reduced stress and a greater enjoyment and appreciation of life.

Take time to look back over the last few months, has your life felt balanced?

Read More »What Are Your Goals in 2016 for Work/Life Balance?
