A Path to Better, Clearer Skin

Acne photo I regularly hear women with acne say “everything gets worse around my cycle. I dread that time of the month’. Breakouts, deeper cystic acne, oily skin, redness and congestion can all be part of this picture. If you feel this way, you aren’t alone, close to ¾ of women experience worse acne breakouts in the lead up to the period. However it is highly likely that out of balance hormones aren’t actually the issue. Certainly they might be part of the problem but focusing on hormones alone rarely leads to lasting improvements in acne. And as experienced by many women who want clear skin there comes a time when being on the oral contraceptive pill or more serious acne medications such as roaccutane no longer helps. So if the cause isn’t hormones then what is? Continue reading “A Path to Better, Clearer Skin”

Pathology Testing: How It Can Benefit Your Immune System

Sick of getting sick all the time?

 Boost your Immune system by testing and correcting your nutrient deficiencies.

Do you always get sick during the winter months or pick up whatever is going around the office / home? Have you ever wondered why you get sick more often and take longer to recover than those around you?

There are ways you can prevent this from happening this year. You could be deficient in the vital nutrients which your immune system relies upon to build immune fighting cells.

Did you know that Naturopaths can request blood tests for you to pick up deficiencies that could be leaving you open to a weaker immune system? Continue reading “Pathology Testing: How It Can Benefit Your Immune System”

Preconception Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips

Addressing preconception health will have lifelong benefits for you and your child.

Factors that may affect fertility include:

  • Stress
  • Poor diet and nutrition
  • Toxicity
  • Pollution
  • Radiation
  • Increasing age
  • Immune system status
  • Drugs (including caffeine, tobacco and alcohol)
  • Previous contraceptive history
  • Genitourinary infections (eg Chlamydia, Mycoplasma)
  • Reproductive conditions (eg endometriosis, PCOS)

Fertility problems are due to male reproductive health about 40% and the female about 40% of the time, with both partners reproductive health implicated in the remaining cases. Continue reading “Preconception Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips”

3 Benefits of Eating Paleo  

Paleo has been creating a huge buzz in the health and fitness community for the last couple of years now. Paleo is short for Palaeolithic Diet; also commonly known as the Caveman diet. The philosophy is based around the principles of eating the way our early ancestors did in the Palaeolithic era, before farming and industrialization. The foods you eat are the only ones that would have been available through hunting and gathering; specifically meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds; excluding dairy, grains, legumes and any foods grown through modern day farming or processing practices. There is a myriad of resources available these days to set you on the path to this style of clean eating, but what happens when these resources become so overwhelming you just don’t know where to start? Questions start running around your head like – Why would I choose to eat like this? Do I have to give up foods I love? What are the benefits of eating this way? Fear not and read on, I’m about to give you 3 benefits of the Paleo diet that can help you decide if this eating style is right for you: Continue reading “3 Benefits of Eating Paleo  “

Herbal medicine to reduce pain – a Naturopathic approach


Any type of pain is ….a pain! But we need to remember that pain is your body’s way of telling you something isn’t right. By listening to your body and addressing the cause as well as the symptom, you can create a plan to manage or combat lower back pain efficiently and effectively.

A Naturopathic approach to managing back pain includes a combination of herbs, nutritional and lifestyle strategies to reduce the inflammation which leads to the pain and improve the strength, structure and function of bones, muscles, nerves and ligaments.

Not only do we need to take into account the physical factors involved, but also how the condition can affect you emotionally and mentally; as well as how it affects your ability to move, work and play. One study on back pain followed 100 people over a course of four years. The study reported that participants who scored low on the psychological tests were three times more likely to experience back pain by the end of the four years.

My top 3 herbs for pain:

Continue reading “Herbal medicine to reduce pain — a Naturopathic approach”