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Elysia Humphries - Naturopath

Elysia is Naturopath based in Brisbane, Australia. She has a passion for health care and education. With 14 years clinical experience she created the Vibe Natural Health clinic with a view to providing clients with results based natural health care, within a friendly environment. Her journey towards studying Naturopathy and Nutrition began as a teenager when she had to take months off school due to glandular fever and immune system problems. This came after a period of stress and this lead her to realise the profound effect that stress can have upon wellbeing. Her family visited both doctors and naturopaths and with a combined treatment plan she recovered her good health and was inspired to study Naturopathy and help others on their journey toward better health. It's through keeping an open mind, exploring new ideas and information that we keep ourselves enriched, inspired and healthy. May this blog be a way for us to share ideas and keep inspired!


Time to read – approximately 8 mins

What is Endometriosis? 

Endometriosis is a condition that affects up to one in ten women. It is a condition in which endometrial like tissue (the endometrium lines the uterus and sheds monthly), grows outside of the uterus. It can grow in the pelvic cavity, the pelvic wall, on the ovaries, the bowel, bladder and the ligaments and fascia that support the uterus and pelvic organs. In some it may even grow in distal sites around the body.

The cause of endometriosis is still unknown however there are many theories and known aggravating factors. It is considered a chronic multifactorial condition. Genetics, diet, lifestyle, hormones such as oestrogen, stress and the gut and/or vaginal microbiome all facilitate a person’s predisposition to endometriosis.


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How remedial massage helps relieve insomnia

TiredThere are not many things in life that can refresh and rejuvenate your body like a good night’s sleep. But if that’s the thing you aren’t getting – even when you know it’s what you need – it can start to be a real drag…and not just at night time. You may start to feel that drag all through the day interfering with your life, your work, family and friends.

Everybody deserves a good night’s sleep. Sleep is a basic human need.

I think of insomnia like driving your car every day without ever changing the oil, putting air in your tires, or getting any other maintenance done. Sooner or later, you’re going to break down. Read More »How remedial massage helps relieve insomnia

Restless Leg Syndrome

RLS PhotosDo your legs ever feel like they are trying to run a marathon while you are trying to sleep? It’s kinda like your legs have a mind of their own, like two stubborn kids who would rather be out running around than sleeping. What you have is called Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) and it basically means your legs want to party all night long. Which is great if you are indeed a party goer, but if you were, you wouldn’t be here right now reading this article. You need your legs to sleep, to rest. Well, lets talk about a few things that might help you get a better, restless free night.

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Hormone Health For Post Pregnancy And Breastfeeding


The demands on women’s bodies for growing, birthing and feeding a child are high and ever changing. Not only are we providing nutrition for two people at different points in the process; our bodies are also undergoing massive fluctuations in hormone levels as well.

So how do we replenish and maintain, not only vital nutrient levels but also keep our hormones balanced through our diets?

These days there is so much information out there – from health professionals to other mum’s experiences on Internet forums, each with their own opinion of what is happening and how to deal with it. It is understandable that it can be downright confusing to work out what is the right thing to choose in order to maintain balanced health and wellbeing during this period of change and growth in our lives. One of the easiest ways to balance hormones is through our diet; and by combining nutrition with the knowledge about how our hormones are processed, detoxified and eliminated by the body, we can build a strong foundation for supporting our health and our babies health as we move through motherhood and beyond.Read More »Hormone Health For Post Pregnancy And Breastfeeding

Preconception Care


What is preconception care?

Preconception care is an opportunity to improve both you and your partners health required for promoting healthy sperm, egg health and uterine environment.  Think of pregnancy as like a marathon, we want to start training now and optimise our diet and lifestyle which can influence up to three generations to come!

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Reflexology and Anxiety



Feeling down, anxious, depressed?  Lacking confidence in yourself and drive to get through your days?

Have you had a reflexology treatment before?

Reflexology is the application of acupressure or manipulation of the feet, hands or face to increase health benefits.

Certain parts of your foot are believed to correspond to the parts of the body. You may have seen a “Reflexology chart” showing this somewhere like a massage clinic. Applying pressure to a particular part of the foot will send a signal to the corresponding body part and is believed to improve the health of that body part.  Some people refer to it simply as a “foot massage” but reflexology is believed to provide more health benefits than an ordinary foot massage.

Does reflexology help with anxiety?

Many of my clients have stated that it has definitely assisted them to feel more relaxed following the treatment. They tell me that they feel a lot calmer than before the treatment and the benefits can be far deeper than just a feeling of wellbeing.Read More »Reflexology and Anxiety

The Gut Brain Connection


Digestive health is so important for health!

Do you feel butterflies in the pit of their stomach when you are stressed or anxious?

This reaction shows there is a complex interaction between your gut and brain, with the gut being referred to as our “second brain”. The gut is full of nerves and neurotransmitter receptors from the enteric nervous system (part of the autonomic nervous system which performs unconscious function, like your heart beating) that is wired directly to the brain. The gut cells produce most of our serotonin, the “happy” neurotransmitter, so not only do we need to look at ingesting enough of the nutrients required for serotonin production, we need to ensure our gut health is in balance to be able to utilise it!Read More »The Gut Brain Connection

How to Treat a Sick Gut – A Case Study


 Find out here at our FREE WORKSHOP

Wednesday 27th April – 6:30pm

How to treat a sick Gut – A Case Study

with Naturopath Sally Broadhurst


Discover how Natural Medicine can help improve your digestion and wellbeing.

Gut dysbiosis (a fancy word for imbalance) is becoming more and more commonplace in our fast paced world. Symptoms and the intensity of digestive imbalance can present differently in everyone depending on the level of damage and how long it’s been happening for.

Read More »How to Treat a Sick Gut — A Case Study

Are you sick of being in pain?

Pain drags us down in many ways and prevents us from getting the most out of life.  There are many strategies available to find the source of your pain and address it but understanding it and knowing how it works is a great first step to relief.

There are many different types of pain, including:

  • Peripheral pain – inflammation or mechanical damage eg Torn muscle
  • Neuropathic – damage or entrapment of peripheral nerves eg Shingles
  • Central – central disturbance in pain processing eg Fibromyalgia


Are you taking the correct nutrient or herbs for your pain? Read More »Are you sick of being in pain?

Three Top Herbs to Combat Pain


Any type of pain is …a pain!

But we need to remember that pain is our body’s way of telling something isn’t right. By listening to our body and addressing the cause, we can create a plan to manage or combat or manage pain efficiently and effectively.

A Naturopathic approach to managing pain may include applying a combination of herbs, nutritional and lifestyle strategies to reduce inflammation and improve the strength, structure and function of the underlying tissues and systems of the body that are being affected. Not only do we need to take into account the physical factors involved, but also how the condition can affect emotionally and mentally; as well as how it affects our ability to move, work and play. One study on back pain followed 100 people over a course of four years. The study reported that participants who scored low on the psychological tests were three times more likely to experience back pain by the end of the four years.

There are 3 top herbal remedies I use for reducing pain in my patients….


Read More »Three Top Herbs to Combat Pain
