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Three Top Herbs to Combat Pain


Any type of pain is …a pain!

But we need to remember that pain is our body’s way of telling something isn’t right. By listening to our body and addressing the cause, we can create a plan to manage or combat or manage pain efficiently and effectively.

A Naturopathic approach to managing pain may include applying a combination of herbs, nutritional and lifestyle strategies to reduce inflammation and improve the strength, structure and function of the underlying tissues and systems of the body that are being affected. Not only do we need to take into account the physical factors involved, but also how the condition can affect emotionally and mentally; as well as how it affects our ability to move, work and play. One study on back pain followed 100 people over a course of four years. The study reported that participants who scored low on the psychological tests were three times more likely to experience back pain by the end of the four years.

There are 3 top herbal remedies I use for reducing pain in my patients….


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